SINCE 2012
ABOUT cheerful child
Cheerfulchild, LLC was created by Ginelle Mills starting with one product, The Cool Wazoo, featured on the ABC hit show SharkTank. After licensing the patent to Kids II she took some time off to raise her 3 daughters while consulting other moms with their product ideas and sourcing along the way. BoxPartie and Blew Bubble are small businesses under the umbrella of Cheerful Child, LLC.

our companies
blew bubble
Blew Bubble was born when Ginelle was asked to help with her daughters team gifts. Researching she found ideas but they all lacked elegant design. Ginelle gave 100% to her thoughts, ideas and designs. Blew Bubble is customized, creative, catchy favors and not just for sport teams anymore. Blew Bubble started with a shaped Bubble Gum bag. It's "Double Trouble"!